Traveling Guitarist is a premier website centred around the art and technique of guitar playing including not only how to play it but also maintenance and repair, music theory, and how to make a living from what you love without clinging to orthodoxy and convention.

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Tutorials and Tips (and More) for  
Everything Guitar

Founded by Andrew Siemon

ABOUT Traveling Guitarist 

My site is rich with content on music theory and its practical application for guitarists. Learn about scales, chords, chord progressions, songwriting, and improvisational techniques.

Discover how to showcase your skills and music to the world using platforms like YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music, Soundcloud, TikTok, and Instagram.

Traveling Guitarist’s core mission is to guide novice guitarists, taking them from the first strum to mastering intricate compositions and techniques.

This includes maintaining and repairing your instrument, what gear to use, pedals, how to use them, and how to get the most out of everything the industry has to offer.

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Andrew Siemon 

Hey, I’m Andrew and I founded this site back in 2019 after years of studying and playing the guitar. It’s not only my passion but it’s what I do for a living.

I created this site because I have a lot to share and contribute to not only the industry but the art and practice as a whole. If you want to read more, check out my personal page here. My socials are down below.